
Bisham Wealth is a Consulting Group of specialists in legal, fiduciary and financial matters.


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Av. Palmas 731, 1101, Miguel Hidalgo,
11000, Ciudad de México

• Bisham Wealth has trust institutions within its group to offer trust services like SOFOM.
• This is an informative web page and is not intended to be a technical consultation document.
• If you give us the opportunity to serve you, we will review your particular case and propose the solutions we consider appropriate.
• Information about Bisham Wealth and its SOFOM can be found on different authority sites.

a) The Bureau of Financial Entities and its different sections;
b) Registry of Adhesion Contracts (RECA);
c) The Financial Service Provider Registration System (SIPRES);
d) The Registry of Commissions (RECO);
e) On our website